Whenever I judge at a hand bag, I usually look for something different. But different is not what makes a bag classic or ATTRACTIVE, or something that can cure our bag addiction. It’s the design mixed up with extraordinaire that makes up a gorgeous bag. As I was surfing on the internet, I found this piece of gorgeous. The Prada Replica Handbags.
It looks like a butterfly tie, but it’s not. It’s a handbag mixed with the idea of a butterfly tie. How clever can that be?
The Replica Prada Handbags is made out of the idea of elegant, formal and chic. You would wear a butterfly tie in formal meetings right? With a small strap around the bag, making it look a bit like a night dress. If there is any emotion that force to buy this bag, then it will be the colors.
The bag is shiny, made of leather with python patterns. A petite bag sized 36 x 16 cm. The price $2,590, is it worth it?